Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Myths of the Overworked Creative

Been checking on this site every once and a while since someone posted from it a while back. Haven't taken the 30 to watch this yet but I plan to... seems like something most of us need to think about.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Branding of the Occupy Movement

Kalle Lasn, the longtime editor of the anticonsumerist magazine Adbusters, did not invent the anger that has been feeding the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations across the United States. But he did brand it.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

my last Happiness Factory post, i promise.

If free soda, pizza, flowers, balloon animals, light-up glasses, and 6-foot subs don't make you happy, I don't know what will. The Coca Cola Happiness Factory strikes again on a college campus with a guerilla vending machine that's giving away more than just soda...

Friday, November 25, 2011

It's Nice That

A top-notch art and design review website for you.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Prepare to be obsessed.

Check out!

There are tons of really interesting products...and great to visit for inspiration.

Type Geek 2

You're too busy doing homework, but…


strokes, and counters…this is getting geeky.


For all the typography geeks / Ryan Gosling afficionados, I know you're out there.

Extended version of a Coca Cola commercial

Like a bear, or a space man, or a space bear.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Push Pin Studios

Push Pin Studios is a graphic design and illustration studio formed in New York City in 1954. Cooper Union graduates Milton Glaser,Seymour Chwast, Reynold Ruffins, and Edward Sorel founded the studio.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Shoot to win

This photography competition could be a great opportunity. Good luck.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Attention Typography Nerds:

Here's a fun online kerning game that might end up driving you crazy:

Saul Bass

The NYTimes has a great story on Saul Bass, and how he made film titles more than just type at the beginning of a movie.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Creative Block?

A useful article about how to tackle creative block.

Rashaad Newsome

The performance pieces are quite interesting. Brings together a crazy array of performers and visual elements.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Superhero posters inspired by Art Deco

These anachronic posters by Greg Guillemin, a french designer, are awesome. He takes superheroes and creates posters in the Art Deco style for them.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


An unusual and entertaining idea presented by Pedigree. Find your Doggleganger, and maybe adopt 'em too! (Hopefully you don't get paired with an english bulldog...)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Next Class at Cooper Union

Our next class is Tuesday, November 8th at 6:30 pm. We're being given a special tour of the exhibit "Pharma" by the curator, Alexander Tochilovsky. Please gather at the new Cooper Union building at 41 Cooper Square at Third Avenue & 7th Street.

The Red M&M is a Bully, says Australia.

He's the sarcastic one, but is the red M&M also a bully? The Advertising Standards Bureau in Australia seemed to think so, had a two month long debate about it, and then decided the ads were "humorous rather than bullying." Slow clap for Australia.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Unruly Gallery

AIGA/NY Event December 8

Register as soon as you can if you're interested in getting a spot- it's $10 for AIGA student members/$20 for regular AIGA members/$30 for non-members


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Paul Sahre, AGI Open

A short, feel-good talk given by Paul Sahre at AGI Open Barcelona 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

de Kooning Retrospective

The Willem de Kooning Retrospective at MoMA not only highlights major works of the artist (which are gorrrrrrgeous), but his process as well—something that may relate to us as designers.

Le Fork Big

A French company launches a kitchenware line, with a disruptive installation that would make Claus Oldenburg proud.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Pot Noodle Why Try Harder

Student TV Contest DEADLINE Oct. 19!

Get something for your reel, a produced PSA (public service announcement) and $500. Read the brief, as I've been saying, it's all about the idea. If anyone wants to pursue, I'm happy to look at storyboard ideas. Good luck!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Creator's Project

This is last minute, but you can still RSVP to see if you might be able to still go.

Monday, October 10, 2011


In association with Crossing the Line 2011, France's most eminent conceptual artist, Sophie Calle has a very special exhibit on view continuously from Thursday, October 13th at midnight through Sunday, October 16th at midnight at The Lowell Hotel. If you've ever wanted to spend some time in her hotel room, this is your chance.

Château Vacant

The work of creative studio Chateau Vacant from Montreal.
They do things a little differently.

Advertisements Inspired by Famous Artists

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Manly men, doing the manly things men do

We saw so much manliness in the Lodge campaign, I thought I'd share these pin-ups, or MenUps. Feature Shoot is a great resource for discovering up and coming photographers…

Celebrating Female Icons of Graphic Design

After spending some time in the creative industry, Swedish design duo Hjärta Smärta ("Heart Pain") observed that there weren't nearly enough female design role models at the forefront of our cultural awareness. So they started Hall of Femmes, an online project (alas, in Swedish) highlighting female designers and art directors who have significantly influenced creative culture. In 2009, the pair traveled to New York to interview some of these design icons as the basis for a series of books and soon thereafter they published four of these volumes honoring female creative legends.

50 Amazing Examples of Kinetic Typography

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Silkscreen Studio in Brooklyn

For all of you who have been kicked out of Pratt's silkscreen studios time and time again, there's a ready-to-use print shop in Brooklyn. Called Gowanus Print Lab, they supply everything but the paper and have a 10% student discount. No classes necessary. I highly suggest it!

Get your tweed on

Nice event idea here, and perfectly appropriate execution.

Fifty Fifty


Dan Cassaro


Monday, October 3, 2011

Nicholas Felton diagrams

Motion Graphics - ISSEY MIYAKE

Animated video for Japanese fashion designer Issey Miyake's A-Poc design.

A Charity With Beautiful Design

If you haven't heard of the non-profit charity: water, now you have. They are a charity that has treated its branding and design as if they were a for-profit organization; creating a clean, beautiful design aesthetic. Their goal is to help end the water crisis in developing nations, and they are doing so in a smart and unique way. I encourage you to read more about them.

Check out their website!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

words on paper

A free, drop-in, on campus resource for writing help with your resumé? Awesome. It's never too early to start working on your resumé, especially as it relates to internships, work, contests, etc.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Oblique Strategies

If a designer ever tells you they have never had a creative block, they are lieing. Here is a useful tool for those times we all experience. Musician Brian Eno created his Oblique Strategies cards in 1975 to help dislodge creative blocks while working on albums. Here is an online randomized version of the deck that can apply to any art or design project you are working on.

35 Animated Cinemagraphs

35 Animated photos...check them out via:

The photographer's website:

Notable Advertisements in 2011

Just some intriguing advertisements that speak for themselves-

Friday, September 23, 2011

Have a Magic Brownie

A strange and most daring advertising campaign launched on twitter today. Starring none other than Cheech and Chong, its brought to you by your grandpa's favorite snack company... Fiber One. You can see the campaign and watch the video here.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cool Talk by Stefan Sagmeister

Yes, we all love him and his quirky unorthodox ways about his work. But I think the great thing about a designer like Sagmeister is that his life is his work. And I don't mean that in the workaholic, A-student kind of way, but that his whole shtick is to garner no division between the joy of life and the joy of design. Of course he trudged through the mundane, through projects he hated, and probably through experiences very similar to the ones we had, but eventually he found out that his position is one in which to create not only well-designed pieces to fulfill clients requirements, but wholehearted dances to fulfill his own satisfaction. And it's never too early or too late to grab on to that.

Here he is talking about happiness. What could be better?!

Frick for Free

After hours "College Night" at The Frick, September 30th. Free with your Pratt ID.