Monday, May 6, 2013

Child Abuse Ads

This is pretty crazy, but extremely intriguing especially on how perspective can be so impactful !

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

R U Mispeling Becos Ur Hungrie? Snikkers Can Help
The Oreo ads (since we were just talking about them yesterday) Such a cool campaign

Good advertising starts and ends with free food.


It costs less than Pratt. Just saying.

How to make people look at your ad

Personally I am very excited to watch this movie, "This is the End"
On this blog I want to talk about how how this movie made their commercial ad in brilliant way. 

They simply played with the April fool. 

Basically, they released a fake movie trailer called "Pineapple Express 2."

The point is that many people loved the Pineapple Express, and it is almost positive that same people will love this movie too. 

The fake trailer was to lead people to watch this new movie, and I thought it was successful marketing campaign. 

If you haven't watched it, it wouldn't be so bad to watch it. 

It is funny.

New Kind of Advertising Tactics

So I personally think this is very successful advertising showing the quality of the 3D LED TV. 

Personally as a motion graphic student, I was amazed by their thoughts and execution on this short commercial. 

If any haven't watch this, Strongly suggest to watch it!

I thought I was watching movie commercial.